Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India

In recent years, technology has revolutionized various industries, and the legal sector is no exception. LegalTech startups in India are leveraging cutting-edge technologies to streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and make legal services more accessible and affordable. From AI-powered contract analysis to online dispute resolution platforms, these startups are reshaping the way legal services are delivered. Here are the top 10 LegalTech startups in India that are making waves in the industry:


MyAdvo - Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India


MyAdvo, founded in 2015 by Kushal Bhagat and Rishabh Gupta, is a pioneering legal-tech platform in India. It bridges the gap between individuals, businesses, and legal practitioners by providing a streamlined platform for legal services. MyAdvo’s key features include connecting clients with verified lawyers, facilitating legal consultations, document drafting, and case management. By leveraging technology, MyAdvo simplifies the legal process, making it more transparent, accessible, and efficient for users across the country.

Attribute Details
Founder(s) Kushal Bhagat, Rishabh Gupta
Year Founded 2015
Description MyAdvo is a legal-tech platform that connects individuals and businesses with verified lawyers across India. Their platform offers various legal services.
                           MyAdvo – Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India

MyAdvo is a legal-tech platform that connects individuals and businesses with verified lawyers across India. Their platform offers services ranging from legal consultation to document drafting and case management. By using technology to match clients with the right lawyers based on their requirements, MyAdvo is simplifying the legal process and making it more transparent.

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Vakilsearch - Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India
Vakilsearch – Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India


Vakilsearch, founded in 2011 by Hrishikesh Datar, is an online platform that provides comprehensive legal services to individuals and businesses. From company registration to trademark filing and drafting legal documents, Vakilsearch offers a one-stop solution for all legal needs. With its user-friendly interface and affordable pricing, Vakilsearch has become a go-to platform for startups and small businesses looking for legal assistance.

Attribute Details
Founder(s) Hrishikesh Datar
Year Founded 2011
Description Vakilsearch is an online platform that provides a wide range of legal services, including company registration, trademark filing, and drafting legal documents.
                  Vakilsearch – Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India

Vakilsearch is an online platform that provides a wide range of legal services, including company registration, trademark filing, and drafting legal documents. Their user-friendly interface and affordable pricing have made legal services accessible to startups and small businesses, helping them navigate the complexities of the legal system.

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Lawyered - Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India
Lawyered – Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India


Lawyered, founded in 2015 by Himanshu Gupta, is a networking platform that connects startups and businesses with lawyers and legal experts. Through its platform, users can find lawyers specializing in various fields and book consultations online. Lawyered also hosts legal workshops and events, fostering knowledge sharing and networking within the legal community.

Attribute Details
Founder(s) Himanshu Gupta
Year Founded 2015
Description Lawyered is a networking platform that connects startups and businesses with lawyers and legal experts. Users can book consultations online.
                  Lawyered – Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India

Lawyered is a networking platform that connects startups and businesses with lawyers and legal experts. Through their platform, users can find lawyers specializing in various fields and book consultations online. Lawyered also hosts legal workshops and events, fostering knowledge sharing and networking within the legal community.

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CaseMine -Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India
CaseMine -Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India


CaseMine, founded in 2015 by Aniruddha Yadav and Nikhil Bhandari, is an AI-powered legal research platform that helps lawyers and legal professionals find relevant case laws and judgments quickly and efficiently. With its advanced search algorithms and natural language processing capabilities, CaseMine revolutionizes the way legal research is conducted, saving time and effort for legal practitioners.

Attribute Details
Founder(s) Aniruddha Yadav, Nikhil Bhandari
Year Founded 2015
Description CaseMine is an AI-powered legal research platform that helps lawyers find relevant case laws and judgments quickly and efficiently.
                       CaseMine -Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India

CaseMine is an AI-powered legal research platform that helps lawyers and legal professionals find relevant case laws and judgments quickly and efficiently. Their advanced search algorithms and natural language processing capabilities enable users to extract valuable insights from vast legal databases, saving time and effort in legal research.

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LegitQuest - Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India
LegitQuest – Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India


LegitQuest, founded in 2015 by Abhilasha Singh and Sandhya Tiwari, is a legal research platform that provides access to a comprehensive database of case laws, judgments, and legal updates. Its platform offers advanced search features, citation analysis, and case tracking tools, empowering lawyers and researchers to conduct in-depth legal research with ease.

Attribute Details
Founder(s) Abhilasha Singh, Sandhya Tiwari
Year Founded 2015
Description LegitQuest is a legal research platform providing access to a comprehensive database of case laws, judgments, and legal updates.
                         LegitQuest – Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India

LegitQuest is a legal research platform that provides access to a comprehensive database of case laws, judgments, and legal updates. Their platform offers advanced search features, citation analysis, and case tracking tools, empowering lawyers and researchers to conduct in-depth legal research with ease.

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SpotDraft - Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India
SpotDraft – Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India


SpotDraft, founded in 2017 by Shashank Bijapur and Madhav Bhagat, is an AI-driven contract management platform that automates the contract drafting and review process. By analyzing contracts using machine learning algorithms, SpotDraft identifies potential risks and suggests improvements, helping businesses create legally sound contracts in less time.

Attribute Details
Founder(s) Shashank Bijapur, Madhav Bhagat
Year Founded 2017
Description SpotDraft is an AI-driven contract management platform that automates contract drafting and review processes, analyzing contracts for potential risks.
                         SpotDraft – Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India

SpotDraft is an AI-driven contract management platform that automates the contract drafting and review process. By analyzing contracts using machine learning algorithms, SpotDraft identifies potential risks and suggests improvements, helping businesses create legally sound contracts in less time.

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LegalDesk - Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India
LegalDesk – Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India


LegalDesk, founded in 2016 by Krupesh Bhat and Chethan Krishnan, is an online platform that offers a wide range of legal documents and templates. Users can customize these documents according to their requirements and create legally binding agreements within minutes. LegalDesk aims to simplify the process of legal document creation and make it more accessible to everyone.

Attribute Details
Founder(s) Krupesh Bhat, Chethan Krishnan
Year Founded 2016
Description LegalDesk is an online platform offering a wide range of legal documents and templates, allowing users to customize and create legally binding agreements.
                        LegalDesk – Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India

LegalDesk is an online platform that offers a wide range of legal documents and templates, including rental agreements, wills, and sale deeds. Users can customize these documents according to their requirements and create legally binding agreements within minutes, eliminating the need for traditional legal services.

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LawRato - Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India
LawRato – Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India


LawRato, founded in 2014 by Rohan Mahajan, is a legal-tech platform that connects individuals with experienced lawyers for legal advice and representation. Covering a wide range of legal issues, LawRato’s platform makes it easier for people to find the right lawyer for their needs. With its user-friendly interface and extensive network of legal professionals, LawRato has become a trusted name in the legal industry.

Attribute Details
Founder(s) Rohan Mahajan
Year Founded 2014
Description LawRato connects individuals with experienced lawyers for legal advice and representation, covering a wide range of legal issues.
                           LawRato – Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India

LawRato is a legal-tech platform that connects individuals with experienced lawyers for legal advice and representation. Their platform covers a wide range of legal issues, including family law, property disputes, and criminal defense, making it easier for people to find the right lawyer for their needs.

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InnoLegAL - Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India
InnoLegAL – Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India


InnoLegAL, founded in 2019 by Arun Kumar, P. Anand, and Vinay Shetty, provides innovative solutions for legal compliance management and regulatory requirements. Its platform helps businesses stay compliant with laws and regulations by automating compliance processes, monitoring changes in regulations, and providing real-time alerts and updates. InnoLegAL aims to simplify the complex process of legal compliance and minimize risks for businesses.

Attribute Details
Founder(s) Arun Kumar, P. Anand, Vinay Shetty
Year Founded 2019
Description InnoLegAL provides innovative solutions for legal compliance management and regulatory requirements, aiding businesses to stay compliant with laws.
                         InnoLegAL – Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India

InnoLegAL is a legal-tech startup that provides innovative solutions for legal compliance management and regulatory requirements. Their platform helps businesses stay compliant with laws and regulations by automating compliance processes, monitoring changes in regulations, and providing real-time alerts and updates.

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  Agami – Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India


Agami, established in 2019, is a nonprofit organization that supports LegalTech innovation and entrepreneurship in India. Through its initiatives, including hackathons, incubation programs, and funding support, Agami aims to catalyze the growth of the LegalTech ecosystem and address pressing legal challenges through technology-driven solutions.

Attribute Details
Founder(s) Not Applicable
Year Founded 2019
Description Agami is a nonprofit organization supporting LegalTech innovation and entrepreneurship in India through hackathons, incubation programs, and funding support.
                Agami – Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India

Agami is a nonprofit organization that supports LegalTech innovation and entrepreneurship in India. Through their initiatives, including hackathons, incubation programs, and funding support, Agami aims to catalyze the growth of the LegalTech ecosystem and address pressing legal challenges through technology-driven solutions.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) about Top 10 LegalTech Startups in India:

Q1:What is a LegalTech startup?

A1:A LegalTech startup is a company that leverages technology to provide innovative solutions and services for the legal industry. These startups aim to streamline legal processes, improve access to legal services, and enhance efficiency using various technological tools and platforms.

Q3:What services do LegalTech startups offer?

A3:LegalTech startups offer a wide range of services, including legal research platforms, contract management tools, document automation software, online dispute resolution platforms, and legal consultation services. These services aim to simplify legal processes, improve collaboration, and make legal services more accessible and affordable.

Q4:How can LegalTech startups benefit individuals and businesses?

A4:LegalTech startups can benefit individuals and businesses in several ways. They provide access to affordable legal services, streamline legal processes, reduce the time and cost associated with legal tasks, improve transparency and accountability, and empower individuals to navigate the legal system more effectively.

Q6:Are LegalTech startups disrupting the traditional legal industry?

A6:Yes, LegalTech startups are disrupting the traditional legal industry by introducing innovative technologies and business models that challenge the status quo. These startups are reshaping the way legal services are delivered, making them more efficient, accessible, and cost-effective for clients.

Q5:How do LegalTech startups ensure data security and confidentiality?

A5:LegalTech startups prioritize data security and confidentiality by implementing robust security measures, such as encryption, access controls, and regular security audits. They comply with relevant data protection regulations and industry standards to safeguard client data and ensure privacy.

Q6:What are some challenges faced by LegalTech startups?

A6:Some challenges faced by LegalTech startups include regulatory compliance, resistance to change within the legal industry, access to capital for scaling operations, building trust and credibility among clients, and navigating complex legal environments in different jurisdictions.

Q7:How can individuals and businesses find the right LegalTech solution for their needs?

A7:Individuals and businesses can find the right LegalTech solution for their needs by researching different platforms, reading reviews and testimonials, scheduling demos or consultations with providers, and evaluating factors such as functionality, pricing, customer support, and ease of use.

Q8:Can LegalTech startups replace traditional law firms and lawyers?

A8:While LegalTech startups can complement traditional law firms and lawyers by automating routine tasks and improving efficiency, they are unlikely to replace the expertise and judgment of human lawyers entirely. However, they can enhance the delivery of legal services and expand access to justice for individuals and businesses.

Q9:How can LegalTech startups contribute to access to justice initiatives?

A9:LegalTech startups can contribute to access to justice initiatives by offering affordable and user-friendly legal services, providing resources and information to empower individuals to understand their legal rights and obligations, and supporting pro bono and legal aid programs for underserved communities.

Q10:What is the future outlook for LegalTech startups?

A10:The future outlook for LegalTech startups is promising, with continued innovation and growth expected in the coming years. As technology continues to advance and consumer demand for accessible and efficient legal services grows, LegalTech startups are well-positioned to play a significant role in shaping the future of the legal industry.


The emergence of these LegalTech startups signifies a transformative shift in the legal industry in India. By integrating advanced technologies, these companies are not only enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of legal services but also making them more accessible and user-friendly. This technological infusion is crucial for modernizing legal practices and ensuring that the legal system can keep pace with the demands of contemporary business and societal needs. As these startups continue to innovate and expand, they are likely to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of legal services in India.

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